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Frequently Asked Questions

Hardware Purchasing

Frequently Asked Questions

What credit cards do you accept?
Are other payment options available?
What is your refund policy?
What is your privacy policy?
Are discounts available for hardware purchases?
Can a special pricing offer be extended?
Are there options for larger orders?
Why will Australian Dollars (AUD) be used?

See also:

All Hardware Support
Hardware Ordering Support
None of the above apply (contact us)...

Q. What credit cards do you accept?
Customers may purchase hardware online using VISA and MasterCard credit cards.
Q. Are other payment options available?
Yes. Payment can be made by Paypal, Check, or international telegraphic (TT / wire) transfer.
Q. Are discounts available for hardware purchases?
No. Our company is a software company and we do not supply the hardware products directly. We forward the order to be dispatched by the manufacturer or distributor closest to you. Because we do not manufacture the hardware, we are unable to offer volume discounts or discounts for online purchase similar to those available for our software products.
Q. Can a special pricing offer be extended?
No. Special prices apply only for the products and dates specified by our marketing section. The duration of any offer is clearly displayed on the relevant Pricing & Purchase page on our website.
Q. Why will Australian Dollars (AUD) be used?
Almost all of our business is international (mostly in USA). So it makes sense to quote our pricing in US Dollars which everyone understands.

However our company is based in Australia. Since our bank works in Australian dollars they can only charge credit cards in Australian dollars.

When you make a purchase through us the $USD value is converted to Australian dollars on our server before being sent to the bank. The bank charges your card in Australian dollars. Your bank then converts to it your own currency.

We update the exchange rate on our server once a week based on the published rates at www.xe.com. There is a chance that the exchange rate varies a little during the week or that your bank gives you a poor rate. So the amount you see on your statement might vary a little from the quote price.

Other Questions
If none of the above answers your query, please complete the following form to contact us:
  Your Email Address:
  Hardware Type:
  Hardware Part Number:
  Support Question:
Include a clear description of the problem including what you did for the problem to arise and the steps you have already taken to attempt to resolve it.
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