FXO Adapters Installation Guide

For Use with Axon Virtual PBx Software

This setup guide will guide you through the steps of setting up your FXO Adapter to work with NCH Software's Axon Virtual PBx System. If you have not yet done so, we recommend downloading and installing a free copy of Axon before you continue.

Sipura SPA3102 FXO Adapter

Installation & Configuration

The SPA3102 is a single port FXO, single port FXS device, and the successor to the SPA3000 unit. The major difference between this unit and the SPA3000 is that the SPA3102 has an in-built router.

In order to correctly setup the SPA3102 to work with Axon, the following steps need to be observed:

  1. Connecting of the unit to your computer or network. This involves using the power supply and supplied cables to power up the box and get it running.
  2. Making the web configuration utility accessible.
  3. Connecting the SPA3102 and Axon together.
These steps are described in further detail below.

Quick Clarification on Terminology

FXO - a device that bridges a network/the Internet to an analog phone line. It essentially converts the VoIP (digital) signals to telephone (analog) signals (and vice versa).

FXS - a device that lets you connect an analog telephone to make calls over a network or the Internet. This is basically an analog telephone to VoIP converter (and vice versa).

In the context of the SPA3102, the FXO connects the LINE port to the ETHERNET port. The FXS connects the PHONE port to the ETHERNET port.

Step 1 - Connecting and Powering the Unit

There are two different methods by which you can connect and use your SPA3102 unit:
  1. If you only have one computer and no router, then you can connect the unit between your computer and modem and let the unit act as both a router and an FXS + FXO unit.
  2. If you already have a router or if you have many computers on your network, then the unit can be connected to a spare Ethernet port on your network and run purely as an FXS + FXO unit (with no routing active on the unit).
If you choose to use option B for your unit setup, you must still initially setup the unit as if you had followed option A. This is due to a technical constraint with the unit (for the benefit of advanced users, the LAN port IP address cannot be configured via the telephone IVR menu).

Setup of the unit (for both options A and B):

  1. Connect one end of the included RJ-11 telephone cable to the unit's LINE port. Connect the other end to your telephone wall jack
  2. Get another RJ-11 cable and connect one end to the unit's PHONE port. Connect the other end to an analogue telephone (this second RJ-11 cable is not supplied with the unit, you must supply this yourself).

    Warning! Do NOT connect the cable from the PHONE port into your telephone wall jack, or else you risk damaging either the unit or your home/office telephone wiring.

  3. Disconnect the Ethernet cable plugged into your PC's Ethernet port and plug it into the INTERNET port on the unit.
  4. Connect one end of the included Ethernet cable to the ETHERNET port on the unit. Connect the other end to the Ethernet port on your PC.
  5. Connect the included power adapter to the power port of the unit, and then plug it in to a spare electrical outlet.

    Once the unit is plugged in and the INTERNET and ETHERNET cables are connected, the INTERNET port on the unit will acquire an IP address from your network or ISP, and the LAN port will set itself up on IP address and assign an address to your computer on the 192.168.1.x IP address range (usually its

Step 2 - Accessing the Web Configuration Utility

To access the web-based configuration utility, you first need to find verify the IP address of the SPA3102 unit's LAN port; it should be but let's double check this. Pick up the telephone (the one connected to the PHONE port of the unit) and dial **** (four stars). You should hear a female voice saying 'Sipura Configuration Menu'. After you hear that, key in 2-1-0-#, then listen for the response from the unit. What you hear will be the IP address required to access the web configuration, so note it down.

Launch a web browser window and enter the just-obtained IP address in the address field in this form: http://[IP address]/admin/advanced , e.g.

If you have chosen to connect the unit between your modem and computer, there are no further instructions at this stage. If you are connecting the unit directly to your network, follow these additional instructions below.

Connecting the SPA3102 directly to your network

In the web configuration utility, click on Router -> Wan Setup.
  1. Set the 'Connection Type' to 'Static IP'.
  2. Set the 'Static IP' field to any unused private IP address on your network. Make it well away from any addresses currently being used so as to avoid future potential IP address conflicts.
  3. Set the 'Network Mask' to '' (or change as appropriate).
  4. Set the 'Gateway' to the IP address of your router.
  5. Set the 'Primary DNS' to the IP address of your router.
  6. Set 'Enable WAN Web Server' to 'yes'.
  7. Click 'Submit all changes'. Wait for about 15-20 seconds for the box to reboot.
  8. Disconnect the cable connected to the ETHERNET port and plug it in to a spare port on your network (this will connect your PC back to the network). Don't touch the cable that is connected to the INTERNET port.
  9. After your PC has an active connection on the network again, go to your web browser and type the new IP address you entered into Step 2 in the address field, and wait for the web configuration utility to re-appear e.g. if the new IP address was, then type in .

Step 3 - Connecting Axon and the SPA3102 Together

The overall objective in this step is to setup the SPA3102 so it will register with Axon. Axon will be configured in such a way that it will listen for the registration requests coming from the device.

In Axon:

  1. Open the Axon Web Control Panel (in the Axon main window click the 'Web Control' button).
  2. After the web panel opens, click on 'External Lines'.
  3. Click the button 'Add External Line'.
  4. Enter the following information:

    Line Name: SPA3102
    ID or Username: sipura3102 *
    Password: sipura3102
    Incoming Calls Ring on Extension or Group: 701 (choose another one if you prefer)

    Axon 1.09 and earlier: Set the Server field to blank.
    Axon 1.10 and later: Select the option Other device will contact us (eg FXO, UpLink, etc.)

    Click the button 'Save Changes'.

    *Note: If you have purchased multiple SPA3102 or SPA3000 units, you must use unique IDs/Usernames for each box i.e. they cannot all use 'sipura3102' for the IDs/Usernames.

In the SPA3102 Web Configuration:
  1. Click on the 'PSTN Line' tab.
  2. Set 'NAT Keep Alive Enable' to yes and blank out the 'NAT Keep Alive Msg' field.
  3. Ensure that the 'SIP Port' is set to 5061.
  4. Set the 'Proxy' to the IP address of the Axon machine.
  5. Set the 'Register Expires' field to 60 and the 'Proxy Fallback Intvl' to 600.
  6. Set the 'User ID' to sipura3102 and 'Password' to sipura3102. Leave the 'Display Name' blank.**
  7. Set 'Dial Plan 1:' to say (S0<:sipura3102@[IP address]:5060>), where [IP address] is the IP address of the Axon machine. e.g. (S0<:sipura3102@>).**

    **Note: If you are configuring multiple SPA3102 or SPA3000 units, you will have configured unique IDs/Usernames and perhaps also Passwords in Step 3 Part 4. If this is the case, you must also use that different information for Parts 6 and 7 above.

  8. Set 'VoIP Caller Default DP' to 2.
  9. Set 'PSTN CID For VoIP CID:' to yes.
  10. Set 'PSTN Answer Delay' to 2.
  11. Set 'Detect PSTN Long Silence:' to yes , and set 'Detect VoIP Long Silence:' to yes.
  12. The following fields need to be set depending on which country you live in:

    • Regional Tab -> FXS Port Impedance
    • PSTN Line -> Disconnect Tone
    • PSTN Line -> FXO Port Impedance
    • PSTN Line -> On-Hook Speed

    These fields relate to the ability of the FXO and FXS to properly detect connections/disconnections of phone calls, and they also have some impact on volume (gain) levels too.

    At the moment we only have information for USA, and Australia. Other countries should start by testing their unit with the values at default, and then experiment as necessary.


    Since the unit is by default configured for US telephone systems, the values do not need to be changed.


    • Regional Tab -> FXS Port Impedance: 220+820||115nF
    • PSTN Line -> Disconnect Tone: 425@-30,425@-30;1(.375/.375/1+2)
    • PSTN Line -> FXO Port Impedance: 220+820||120nF
    • PSTN Line -> On-Hook Speed: 26ms (Australia)

  13. The following fields are optional to set, but may improve your experience using the SPA3102 unit.

    • Regional Tab -> Dial Tone
    • Regional Tab -> Busy Tone
    • Regional Tab -> Reorder Tone
    • Regional Tab -> Ring Back Tone
    • Regional Tab -> MWI Dial Tone
    • Regional Tab -> Ring1 Cadence


    Since the unit is by default configured for US telephone systems, the values do not need to be changed.


    • Regional Tab -> Dial Tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;10(*/0/1+2+3)
    • Regional Tab -> Busy Tone: 425@-19;10(.375/.375/1)
    • Regional Tab -> Reorder Tone: 425@-19, 425@-29;60(.375/.375/1,.375/.375/2)
    • Regional Tab -> Ring Back Tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;*(.4/.2/1+2+3,.4/2/1+2+3)
    • Regional Tab -> MWI Dial Tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;2(.1/.1/1+2);10(*/0/1+2)
    • Regional Tab -> Ring1 Cadence: 60(.4/.2,.4/2)

  14. The following fields affect the volume levels and echo suppresion of the FXO and FXS units. Some suggested values are presented here, but you need to test these and experiment as necessary.

    • Regional Tab -> FXS Port Input Gain: -3
    • Regional Tab -> FXS Port Output Gain: -3
    • Regional Tab -> More Echo Suppression: no
    • PSTN Line -> SPA To PSTN Gain: 0
    • PSTN Line -> PSTN To SPA Gain: 3

  15. In order to successfully see phone numbers when calls come in through your analog line, the Caller ID system needs to be set up correctly. You should first test your setup with the values as they are, and then only change them if necessary. Default values are given here.

    • Regional Tab -> DTMF Playback Level: -16
    • Regional Tab -> Caller ID Method: Bellcore (N. Amer, China)
    • Regional Tab -> Caller ID FSK Standard: bell 202

  16. Check the voltage level on the line by going to the Info tab and looking for the 'Line Voltage:' field. It should say something like '-48 (V)' (read it as 48V). Check that this value is above 30V; if not, go to the PSTN Line tab and edit the 'Line-In-Use Voltage:' field to be at least 2V under that value. e.g. if the value reads as '-22 (V)' (22V), then edit the 'Line-In-Use Voltage:' field to say at most '20' (20V).

    Click the 'Submit All Changes' button and wait for the unit to reboot. If you observe the Axon main window, you should see a log message appearing saying 'External Line sipura is at sip:sipura3102@[IP Address]:5061 , where [IP Address] is the IP address of the LAN port of the SPA3102 unit.

    At this stage the SPA3102 has been successfully connected to Axon and can receive incoming calls through the connected analog line. You should be able to test this by making a call from your mobile phone or another analog line into the line that the SPA3102 box is connected to.

    To make calls from Axon go back out through the line, edit the default dialing plan and create a new dial rule. Specify that this dial rule use the SPA3102 External Line. e.g. if number starts with 7, remove digits 1, prepend nothing and dial on line 'SPA3102'.

    Now you can test making a call out. Using any extension currently connected to Axon, make a test call out, ensuring that you follow the dial rules so that Axon knows to send it through the SPA3102. An example test call you can try is to call your mobile phone.